Monday, January 30, 2012

Mommy's First WVU Game

I went to my first WVU basketball game in Morgantown with Mr. Brewer.  Great atmosphere and nice coliseum, but late night on a school night :-)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Family Hike at the Valley Wave Park

Today we decided to bundle up and go for a hike and to hit the playground for a bit so Zoey could burn off some energy.  Here are some photos of her and her Daddy on our hike and her on the playground afterwards.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Papa's NCSU Phys Ed Shirt - 1971

Hard to believe that at one point in time this t-shirt fit Papa.  Even harder to believe we have managed to keep it around all this time.  Second generation Wolfpacker...maybe Zoey can make it 3 generations?  :-)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another Week Another Play Date - This time Chuck E Cheese

 Here are Ila and Zoey playing on one of the rides at Chuck E Cheese for our weekly play date.

Play Date at the Movies - Sleeping Beauty

 So the pictures aren't the best since they were taken with the iPhone, but this week's play date was at the movie theater.  Rachel, Christi and I took Ella, Ila and ZOey to see Sleeping Beauty in 3D.  They were all good, but not big fans of the glasses.

 After the movie, they found the mini arcade and had a number of laughs on the motorcycle.  Zoey also saw a pay phone in the lobby and said "what's that Mommy??"  You can tell times they are a changing.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Baking Cookies for Play Date

Ila came over for play date tonight and we made chocolate chip cookies!  Zoey was more than a little but excited to see Ila!

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Quick Visit With Uncle Fuzzy

Uncle Fuzzy drove up to WV Thursday night. He was coming to take our old furniture back to Aunt Kristen and for a quick visit with little Z. She was really excited to see her Uncle Fuzzy when she woke up Friday morning. Daddy made some french toast and we all had a nice breakfast together and then Zoey and Uncle Fuzzy cuddled a little while. When it was time for Fuzzy to get going, Zoey had to get in on the action loading the truck.

Clearly all the excitement left her a little worn out :-)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Weekly Play Date with Ila

This week play date was at Ila's house and she shared her dress up clothes with Zoey. It was Zoey's first time in "clip on" earrings and high heels! She was a bumble bee...Ila was a princess. They were both adorable!

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