Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our First Born...

Those of you that know us well have undoubtedly already heard that Scout has had a rough go of it lately. All of a sudden he got very sick over Memorial day and spent a night at the doggie hospital. His WBC were elevated, so even though we were concerned when we brought him home, we all assumed it was a really bad infection of some sort and the antibiotics would do the trick. Well, they seemed to for a while. He was back up and around and his bloodwork recheck looked A-OK. But then about a week ago he was down for the count again. He didn't want to move or eat and just looked pitiful. So back to the vet we went. He was stumped of course given the bloodwork looked good, so he referred us to a specialist up in Houston.

My wonderful husband and Scout's amazing dad stayed behind while I went to NC for my baby shower to take Scout to the specialist and to give him lots of TLC. Unfortunately the news at the specialist wasn't good. Scout has a ~6cm mass in his spleen. The prognosis isn't good, I think >70% of the time they turn out to be cancerous masses that have already begun to spread. But we wanted to be sure, since there was a chance it could be benign. So Friday he had a chest x-ray to look for more spots...and it was clean! So they then aspirated a small portion of cells from the mass in his spleen. They drugged him up a bit and then went in with a needle. The cells were sent off to a pathologist to be checked for cancer. If there is no cancer, Scout will have his spleen out and hopefully feel much better. If there is cancer, then there is nothing else to be done, other than to love and spoil him for as long as we can. So continue to keep our first born in your prayers. He has been a light in my life for 10 years and I am definitely no where near ready to let him go. Here are some photos of him after his first round at the vet....

When he first started to come around and dad convinced him to pick up his ball!!

Notice the shadow in the window! That is Scout's adopted sister Ollie, she was staying with us while her mom and dad were out of town. While Scout was sick they laid on opposite sides of the window and she kept a close eye on him!

Once he was feeling better Ollie upgraded her digs and took up residence under the kitchen table!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I hate to see him feeling bad. I really, really, really hope that you'll call me tomorrow with great news. We love him too!