This week our little girl turned 4 weeks old. It was her second week home with mom and we had some more very special visitors!! Since Zoey's umbilical cord has fallen off she can take a real bath, not just a sponge bath...and much to our surprise she really seems to like them. Here she is in her warm bath covered with her fish towel.

So Zoey's favorite pose for photos lately is totally cute, she loves to do "The Heisman"! Maybe she is a future Princess Quarterback :-) From this photo you can also see how long she is getting. We didn't measure her this week, but she did have a trip to the doctor for some bad diaper rash and she is up to 7 lbs and 6 ounces in weight, she is growing so fast. She almost fits in her newborn clothes now.

A close up of The Heisman pose and those great big eyes!

When daddy comes home from work at night he and Zoey have their daddy-daughter play time.

Trying out the swing we borrowed from the Crown-Lacey twins...

Daddy cuddling with me after a feeding before putting me to bed.

What a cutie!

So, the special visitors this week were Aunt Lori and Uncle Jeremy. They actually got to come and spend 3 whole days with us. They helped me out by watching little Zoey so I could get some naps and showers, it was great. We also went and tried out a little place on the beach to eat called Pirate's Alley and enjoyed the cool day sitting at Surside beach for a bit.

I think Uncle Jeremy was a bit smitten with his new niece. He enjoyed cuddling her to sleep which gave Aunt Lori some time to help mommy in the kitchen. We made homemade calzones one night and the next night daddy made shrimp, steak, grilled veggies and steelhead trout. We even got to sit out on the patio and eat. It was a great visit.

I also noticed that Zoey is much more alert this week, making lots of eye contact, spending more time awake and playing and watching some of her toys. She also seems to enjoy the music on some of her toys and watching them. She is very alert and happy in the morning, but turns into het alter ego after dinner and gets cranked up!

She developed a little baby acne this week and seems to have quite a bit of gas that makes her fussy at mealtime, but mommy and daddy are getting better at dealing with it and hopefully it is making little Zoey feel better! The next challenge is getting her to go down for a nap peacefully...easier said than done I am realizing. That's all until next week...
1 comment: sweet. It makes me so happy for you guys when I read these posts - you are all so blessed. You guys are doing such a great job. She is such a beautiful baby - I love the pics. I haven't seen her much with her eyes open. She has the most gorgeous eyes. I am missing getting to see her and hold her - I'll have to sneak down soon...
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