So, our little girl is almost 9 weeks old. This Wednesday, November 4th she will have been a part of the outside world for 9 weeks. Today was her 2 month check up at Dr. Bottenfield's office. She was 9 lbs 12 ounces and 22 - 1/4 inches long and her head was 39 cm. It was funny, when the nurse was figuring out where she was in percentiles she measured her head a second time to make sure she didn't mess up. I said uh oh, it's big isn't it, she has her mama's head! Indeed it was 39 cm. Her head was in the 50-75 percentile, her weight was in the 10-25 percentile and her length was in the 25-50 percentile. So she is still a skinny little thing.
She still has a fussy tummy at night. She refuses to really nap or sleep in her crib at night unless she is basically a limp, dishrag when you lay her down. She prefers to sit up in her boppy or in her carseat. We are trying the Nutramagin formula, some call it "liquid gold" since it is so expensive, the proteins are already digested, so her body just has to absorb it. Although, the doctor said that lots of Colicky babies grow out of it around 3 months or so. So by the time we figure out if the formula is really helping, she may just start to feel better. Lets hope so, mom wants to be getting more sleep by the time she goes back to work!
The past 2 weeks have been a lot like the previous 2 weeks. She continues to track people or things moving in the room. She is getting more and more alert and is very active. She loves for you to just prop her up in her boppy and let her work her arms and legs. She also likes to be held so that she can balance herself on her feet. She has such strong little legs, you can hold her and she will just stand there and do "baby squats". The weather is getting much nicer in South Texas, so Zoey and Mommy try to make it out for about an hour long run/walk every morning.
So here are some photos from the past 2 weeks.
This is one of my favorites. She was just hanging on the patio with Mom and Dad and she was really hamming it up for us.

Here we are getting set up for our morning run. Miss Zoey is all bundled up (it was a cold morning) and securely strapped into her "Cadilac".

She sleeps really well while Mommy is out for her run. Of course, when I am pushing 20+ pounds into a 20+ mph head wind, with no chance for a nap anytime soon, she would be sleeping well!

Shauna gets some snuggle time with Zoey. Shauna and John went out to dinner with Mommy, Daddy and Zoey. It was one of our first attempts to take her out to dinner. We've had her plenty of places at lunch time, but never really for dinner. She did great!

The next day Mommy and Daddy needed to get out of the house and get some fresh air and enjoy the cooler weather, so we drove up the coast to Galveston. We walked around downtown and sat outside for lunch. Miss Zoey even got to see her first Gay Pride Festival :-)

We parked the car along the seawall so mom could feed Zoey and give her some playtime before putting her back in the carseat for the drive home. Check out the cool tie die onesie from Miss Shauna.

Sure enough, carseat + car ride = sleepy baby. Look at the big yawns

But someone needed to fuss a little bit before falling to sleep.

More weekday photos on the patio.

Yeah, daddy is home from work and loving on Miss Zoey.

Look at the big far, still blue.

Looks like Dad may fall asleep before Zoey does!

Some tummy time.

Of course I can't update the blog without a bath time photo. Pretty soon she is going to be bigger than her little bath tub.

Getting dressed for gameday!

I have to chuckle when I look at these photos, it is as if Zoey and her little VT bear are conspiring, making plans for their next tailgate or something. Too bad all our school spirit didn't help the Hokies pull out a win.

Here it looks like they are hanging out singing the fight song or something.

I had to take one last photo of Zoey in her little shirt from the hospital. When she was first born they kept bringing her to us in these ridiculously big shirts. They were long enough to be a dress and they would just slide all the way down her body, right over both shoulders. And now it is small enough on her that her sweet little tummy is popping out.

Hanging out with mom and dad, waiting for Jenny and Wes to come over for dinner and to help us give out candy to the trick or treaters. Our annual tradition is for the Heinlein's to bring their candy over and we hand it out together and have dinner.

Dad and Zoey braving the evening sun to pose with the Pumpkins.

As soon as all the candy was gone, Laura and Jenny quickly closed up shop on the patio and the boys covered the door. We learned from experience that just turning off the light is not enough, the little gremlins still come banging on the door and peeking into the living room!

Miss Jenny did a great job calming down little Zoey.
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