Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

When Mommy and Daddy got back from our night away, we decided we couldn't let Nana and Aunt Krissy have all the fun :-) So we took Zoey out to the Gritts Farm Pumpkin Patch in Buffalo, WV. She hadn't had much of an afternoon nap, so she was a bit crabby, but we all still enjoyed looking at the pumpkins. "Dad, can we get this one?"
"Or maybe this one?" Shortly after this photo she started running down the row of pumpkins and fell and cut her knee and leg on the only piece of metal in the entire pumpkin patch!
Now you can see the war wound, but it didn't slow her down. She wanted no part of being carried. But she was more interested in the dirt and gravel than the pumpkins at times.

Cheesing again.
I thought you only wore dresses at Halloween when you lived in Texas!

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