Monday was a low key day, but Tuesday Miss Zoey had her 3 week appt with Dr. Bottenfield. She was up to 6lbs 4 oz and was 20 inches long! She may be a little Peanut, but she is growing so fast. Her doctor said that she is perfect in spite of her parents :-) I guess he can sense how lost we feel everytime we go in there by all the questions we ask!!
Wednesday I had to return a baby scale in Lake Jackson, so feeling brave, I decided since we were already out and it was lunch time so we would have our first mommy/daughter lunch. So we stopped at The Local for a sandwich and sat outside to enjoy the cooler weather.
We have been on walks around the neighborhood everyday this week. Zoey seems to love her time in the stroller, she immediately falls asleep. Too bad she isn't as willing to sleep at night. Maybe we need to wait and go on our walk after her midnight feeding so she will sleep until morning :-)
Here are some pictures of what I look like this week....
Here is a picture of mom trying in vain to get me to go to sleep at night :-)It must be daytime, because she is sleeping peacefully. Notice the lovely onesie my fiend Jeff sent us...I love Mommy :-)
But Mommy woke me up to eat, so here is a big yawn... Followed by a great big stretch!!
Different day, more sleeping...but I love this, you know she is really sleeping well when her hands are up by her head, it makes me think she should be proped up watching football with her dad she is so relaxed :-) Now it is Friday and it's Daddy's Friday off, so we all went out to lunch together and then he played with Zoey after her afternoon feeding. Here is a picture of her with her eyes wide open.