Mommy and Daddy were going over discharge orders with Zoey's nurse. See that glazed look on my face, I am trying to think of as many intelligent questions as possible to ask before they turn us lose to care for you all on our own! But you got the clean bill of health from your pediatrician in the hospital, Dr. Kagan. So it was time to take you home!
Before we could take you with us we had to get the car seat all set up just for our little Zoey. But you were so tiny, at only 4 lbs 15 oz when we left the hospital, we had to put a blanket in the bottom of the seat just so you would fit. You were too tiny, the car seat straps were swallowing you whole and you definitely were not happy about being put in that seat! But your daddy did a great job fitting you in. 
Your dad was also a champion swaddler! That was his job the whole time we were in the hospital. He would swaddle you up and you would instantly stop crying.
One last family photo opportunity in the hospital while we were waiting on the nurse to track down a wheelchair for our trip to the car.
Mommy and her little girl!!!

Mommy's nurse is taking off your little security device, we called it your Lo-Jac...then there was nothing stopping us from making a break for it!!

Your first exposure to the heat and humidity of Texas!
Getting all loaded up for the trip to College Park and Clute
Such a nice welcome home! Our friends John, Shauna, Julie and Lindsey had decorated the front of the house for a nice welcome for our little Zoey and also left all sorts of yummy goodies, dinner and flowers inside. It was a such an amazing surprise and reminded us how blessed we are to have such great friends here to look after us!

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