Seeing as this is my first time as a mom, I had to reference Baby 411 on the appropriate way to give out Little Peanut her first bath. I am sure it is one of those things that would be hard to mess up, some water and a little bit of soap. But for our sanity, we figured we should consult the book in an effort to make it as untraumatic as possible for little Zoey.

While mom was working out the how-tos of newborn baby bathing, dad was hard at work assembling your little bathtub.

I am certain we made it much more complicated that it needed to be, but in the end you were clean!

Although, even with all the preparation, you were still very unhappy with the entire process, once again exercising those big lungs!
1 comment:
Awww... how cute! She looks so sweet in that hooded towel...I can just imagine how wonderful she must have smelled. I love clean baby smells. I get to relive it every now and then for at least a minute before someone spills something or gets covered in cookie or...
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