Friday, September 25, 2009

Just Mommy and Zoey

So this week was Mommy and Zoey's first week flying solo all week long. It wasn't so easy to eat or shower, but all in all, we did well!! But we missed Grammy :-)

Monday was a low key day, but Tuesday Miss Zoey had her 3 week appt with Dr. Bottenfield. She was up to 6lbs 4 oz and was 20 inches long! She may be a little Peanut, but she is growing so fast. Her doctor said that she is perfect in spite of her parents :-) I guess he can sense how lost we feel everytime we go in there by all the questions we ask!!

Wednesday I had to return a baby scale in Lake Jackson, so feeling brave, I decided since we were already out and it was lunch time so we would have our first mommy/daughter lunch. So we stopped at The Local for a sandwich and sat outside to enjoy the cooler weather.

We have been on walks around the neighborhood everyday this week. Zoey seems to love her time in the stroller, she immediately falls asleep. Too bad she isn't as willing to sleep at night. Maybe we need to wait and go on our walk after her midnight feeding so she will sleep until morning :-)

Here are some pictures of what I look like this week....

Here is a picture of mom trying in vain to get me to go to sleep at night :-)It must be daytime, because she is sleeping peacefully. Notice the lovely onesie my fiend Jeff sent us...I love Mommy :-)
But Mommy woke me up to eat, so here is a big yawn... Followed by a great big stretch!!

Different day, more sleeping...but I love this, you know she is really sleeping well when her hands are up by her head, it makes me think she should be proped up watching football with her dad she is so relaxed :-) Now it is Friday and it's Daddy's Friday off, so we all went out to lunch together and then he played with Zoey after her afternoon feeding. Here is a picture of her with her eyes wide open.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

11 Days Old....

Miss Julie brought more hats today and had fun trying them out on me and getting me naked for some sweet baby photos.
Here I am with Grammy's ring on my toe

That is the quilt Miss Jenny made for little Zoey and her Mommy.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

18 Days Old

More photos from our most recent "photo shoot" with Miss Julie. There are more, but I am waiting until we pick the photos for our baby announcement before I put them all online!

A photo with my dad. This one was fun for Mom and Miss Julie, since Zoey peed in dad's hand when we were trying to take these photos :-)

FINALLY!!! A photo of me with my baby girl! I feel like I am always the one snapping the photos.
More fun with hats.

Sweet, soft, baby skin!

Tiny Toes...

Here are the footprints of our baby girl that were taken at the hospital just after she was born...such tiny, sweet toes!

Who Does She Look Like??

So, Jay and I are curious to get everyone's opinoin on who our Little Peanut looks like. So I scanned some baby photos of both Jay and I and I'll add some photos of her down tell us what you think!!

Photos of Laura...

Photos of Jay....

Photos of Zoey....

All of us side by side....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kelli and Nicole Came to Meet Zoey

Miss Kelli and her little girl Nicole were so excited to meet our little Zoey. Nicole didn't want to let her mama hold Zoey, but you can see that Kelli managed to steal a few cuddles as well. I have a feeling that if Nicole has her way, my little Zoey will be quite the girlie-girl when she gets a little older :-)

I Love my Grammy and Aunt Krissy!

I must say, I am truly blessed to have such an amazing family. My sister and mom made the long trek to Texas just after Zoey was born and they were truly our saving grace while they were here. Kristen was able to stay a whole week and she made homemade mac n cheese for me and melt in your mouth chicken pie!! I had been craving mac n cheese for so long, it felt like home. And of course she was already well on the way to spoiling her first niece before she had to leave :-) We were really fortunate that mom was able to stay an extra week, which was definitely a blessing since Jay was back at work and it was just me and my little girl. Mom cleaned, cooked and grocery shopped and drove us to our appointments. I have no idea what I would have done if she hadn't been able to stay so long to help us out. Mom introduced little Zoey to "Puff the Magic Dragon" and shared all sorts of sweet stories with her first grandbaby. She was also the best at getting little Zoey to go to sleep in her crib at hopefully I was taking notes. But I have a feeling there are some things that no one can do as well as a grandma :-)

Everyone tells you how hard motherhood is with a newborn, they tell you about the sleep deprivation and everything else in life that changes in a split second. But I think no matter how many stories you hear, the true weight of it all is really only understood once you have lived it...and it is very much a rude awakening. It no longer surprises me that some women say it is days before they find time for a shower, or that people seem to forget their name when caring for a newborn. Itis by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, but it is also by far the most amazing thing I have ever done...and I wouldn't trade a second of it.

So, I hope that my mom and my sister know just how sincere I truly am when I say, thank-you, from the bottom of my heart, thank-you. I would have never made it through this tough transition without your love and unconditional support. I am sure I was not always pleasant and I wish I would have had more lucid moments just to enjoy your company, but I am so grateful for all that you did while you were here, for the sleep it allowed me and the emotional support. And more than anything, I am truly thankful for the time that each of you got to spend with Zoey. I am so happy that she got to spend time getting to know her Grammy and her Auntie. I think the hardest part of all of this for Jay and I is that we are so far from all of you, all the people that are going to be such a special part of our little Zoey's life. That is one of the reasons I am going to do my best to keep this blog as up to date as possible...I don't want you to miss out on any of the special moments in our little girl's life.

Here are some photos of little Zoey with her Grammy and Aunt Krissy...
So, while mom was taking a nap, Gammy was babysitting little Zoey. Although, from this photo it appears that since Zoey is the one with her eyes open, maybe she was doing the babysitting :-)

Daddy and Zoey

Since Miss Zoey is so small, she is having problems being an efficient nurser. So mom has to pump so we can "top her off" with a bottle and sometimes we have to throw in a little formula to fill her up. We have to keep our little Peanut growing. Despite some of the frustration all of this brings to mom, the beauty is it means dad gets to share in feeding little Zoey. Jay may not think so at 3am when I hand her off to him so I can pump, but it really is special that he gets to share in feeding her and to have that quality time with her. He is such a good daddy already, he was definitely made for it. He has a very gentle way with her and that sweet soothing voice when she is upset. How do I get him to be that patient with me when I am being all fussy :-) We are two very lucky ladies. Here are some sweet photos of daddy feeding his girl.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

10 days old!

Miss Julie came back to "practice" taking some photos of Miss Zoey today. I wish my photos looked this good when I was "practicing". Our little Zoey is so beautiful!!

So the hats are still quite big for our little peanut, but she still looks adorable!

I LOVE THE LITTLE SMILES, they are my favorite!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Your first trip to the Pediatrician

September 8th was your first trip to the pediatrician. Mom and dad were so anxious. You were so tiny when we left the hospital, we were afraid we were starving you to death. Not to mention all you wanted to do those first few days home was sleep. It seemed to take us an hour just to get you awake enough to get food in you at every feeding. Being first time parents we had no idea what was normal, so we were of course worried we were doing it all wrong and you were suffering because of it. But that was not the case. Dr. Bottenfield said you were "Perfect"! Of course we knew that already, but it was good to hear it from a professional. When we left the hospital on Saturday you were 4 lbs 15 oz and by Tuesday you were back up to 5 lbs 5 oz, so we must be doing something right. So we left the doctor with orders to keep feeding you every 3 hours to make sure you keep gaining weight, beyond that, just keep on loving you to if we could do anything else :-)
You weren't very happy about daddy loading you into the carseat for your first trip out of the house!

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